DIY Sunless Tan Application

Hey Brun Lovers!

Okay so it’s a few days before your big event, your exciting trip away or maybe just an upcoming weekend, you’re feeling a little pale-er than you’d like to be, and need to get a tan to perfect your look. Time is running out and appointment availability is limited... what do you do?!

We’ve all been there, so I’m hopping on here to give you my best tried and trusted advice based off of my own personal experiences as well as the many years of professionally tanning all sorts of people!

Let’s talk SELF TAN people... scary right?! Okay yes, the dreaded “ompaloopa” orange, the tricky palm areas and just the overall evenness. These factors have intimidated many whether you’ve had your own personal experience or someone you know has sparked the fear in you.

So how do you achieve the perfect self tan? Let me break it down for you: first and foremost, you need to invest in your products. Most of the time the price will say a lot about the quality of the product, we’ve trusted Norvell Sunless for over 4 years now and we haven’t looked back since. They have three application methods (lotion, mousse and aerosol), today I’m focusing on the lotion application.

Secondly exfoliation is key to your success, a few days prior to your application, use a mechanical exfoliant, followed by your favourite moisturizer.

Thirdly, self tanning is about knowing your skin, often more than not you are told to apply ZERO lotion, when in fact this only applies if you have ZERO dryness. For me lotion goes hand in hand with my self tan.
I apply an even coat all over my body and concentrate more on areas like knees, elbows, hands, wrists, feet and ankles.

Lastly my application is done in two parts, I apply my self tan to my prepped skin using my bare hands. To eliminate the risk of over exposure to the product on my palms, I do the top half of my body then wash my hands in between finishing my legs. After you’re complete, wash your hands well (literally like 4 times) with hot soapy water.

A couple key notes to keep in mind, never apply self tan to my fingers or toes, when applying to the back, I use the back of my bare hand or more often than not I flip a tanning mitt to really blend it out! It’s important to use sparingly around ankles and wrists- it’s all about blending and fading the product out so it’s not over saturated.

Repeat this method again the next day to deepen your tan.

I know self tanning can come with a lot of fear and doubt but I can promise you after a few practice sessions and (hopefully) these tips, you’ll be a pro in no time!

If this segment didn’t spark your interest, and you like to leave it up to the professionals, The Brun Babes will always have your back ;) literally!

Happy sunless tanning babes!


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